Kingdom of the Feared Review
I’ll endeavour to keep this review spoiler free for those of you that haven’t read the first two books!
I had really high hopes for this book. In fact I had high hopes for the entire series, after all a book about demons and witches, curses and ‘forbidden love’ all sounds great on paper. Unfortunately, it just didn’t quite live up to my expectations. In fact, I found the entire series frustrating.
The first book ended up being such chore to get through - the FMC Emilia is incredibly annoying, her brain just runs in increasingly confusing circles. The second book was a significant improvement, though I was still frustrated with Emilia. She keeps a lot of secrets, and despite her developing feelings for Wrath, refused to share anything with him, or accept his help. Part way through the second book, I did realise it all significantly improved if I pictured Wrath as Henry Cavill so it wasn’t a total loss, and the sexy bits were infinitely hotter.
Enter book 3. I expected a step up again, now that we were moving into the final instalment of this story, and I suppose it was better. It was certainly action packed, I’m not sure the characters slept once during the whole book. And there was a lot more steamy scenes between Henry Wrath and Emilia, but after two other books of ‘build up’, for me, it felt a little too much. In fact it seemed like the plot was repeatedly being sandwiched between sex scenes.
We do finally discover ‘who’ Emilia really is, a running mystery throughout the trilogy, but don’t expect a grand ‘aha’ moment when everything clicks into place. We’re given so much conflicting and confusing information in those first two books, when everything is revealed I just had a moment of ‘oh right, who’s that then?’. And then there’s the ‘resolution’… ugh man. I nearly stopped reading. So frustrating and cliché. I really thought we were past this particular trope now.
This all sounds incredibly negative, I know. There were plenty of enjoyable moments. Wrath (or Henry) is a total dish, and I really liked some of the other Princes of Hell too, namely Envy and Gluttony - I’d like to read more about them. It was just let down by being too convoluted, a little cliche and such an annoying FMC.
Would I recommend? I would probably lightly suggest people might like to give it a go. Would I read again? No.
Book Rating: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Series Rating: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
NA - this series get more ‘adult’ as it progresses.
Complete Series
Genre: Fantasty Romance
Tropes: Murder Mystery | ‘Deal’ with the Devil | Morally Grey Characters | Demons and Witches